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Concept: Product Library

The conceptual idea of a Product Library is to encapsulate information, rules and Assets that have strong product relation into one so that the product(-s) can be represented in the sales frontend coherently.

Within a single product library you may have many products and each product can be linked to the salesfront through embedding tags.

From asset management point fo view, the assets in a single product library can be shared by any or all of the products. This forms a powerful way of making it easier to configure the products more easily as you access only a subset of potentailly very large product lineup of thousands of individual pieces in a large organization.

Product Library makes it easier to manage life-cycle and updating of products on your shop easier as well as individual products can be updated and published to the webshop individually and without need to update all products or groups of products at the same time.

All content in the product library is contained in the product library only and not shared with other product libraries. This means that for highly reused assets, you have to upload the same assets in all of the product libraries for now.