Table of Contents

Translations in Manager UI

As the planner UI can be used by anyone in the internet, it is made localizeable. This means that the language used in the planner must be translated to the local language(-s) you wish the planner to be shown.

Translations starting point

Selection of languages used for the product library

In order to select which languages are used by the product library, you select languages that you will support from the selection menu.

The listing of locales is opened as a modal where you can toggle on/off the locales you want to support. As the list is long, the locale you are searching might take time

Languages panel

Translating generic terminology used in the Planner

The planner menus, buttons and features that you are presenting to the user can be localized under the Planner menu. As new features get deployed, additional localizations may appear here.

Planner translations

Translating product texts

Translations Products and Planner

The products you have configured are listed in the products view and all your edits in the Manager product configuration view get reflected here as well. Do note that as you add and edit products, parts and materials the listing is updated here.

Products translations

Exporting translations

You can export the translations from the export button in CSV format.

At the moment, only way to import is to provide the CSV file to VividWorks support and our experts to perform the import for you.

Configuring language in the planner application

The way to tell the planner which language is used is defined in the integration documentation. You will be able to localize texts in all properties that support localization as indicated by the properties. The translation page summarizes the product level and system level translations