Table of Contents



Environment defines the "studio" setting in which the composing happens on the planner. The background properties and lighting all affect how the product is presented. We have decided that the product is the highlight of the base scene, therefore are by default providing a very basic, minimalistic environment.

You can change the environment through the following parameters.

Base property overview

ITEM_TYPE: Environment

Property Name Type Localized Description
EnvironmentMapAssetId HDR Asset N/A The HDR asset linked. Refer to Environment Map for more information
IsDefault Toggle N/A Is this environment the one used for this product library?
EnvironmentMapIntensity Number N/A The intensity of the map's light its emitting
Background Radio Button N/A Selection of Transparent, SkyBox, Solid or Gradient. Transparent sets background to transparent, SkyBox selection assumes the SkyBoxAssetId is defined and will be used, other selections ignore SkyBoxAsset event if defined, Solid will fill the background with a solid color and gradient with a three color gradient
ToneMapping Radio Button N/A The type of tone mapping applied to environment (NoToneMapping, LinearToneMapping, ReinhardToneMapping, CineonToneMapping, ACESFilmicToneMapping)
SkyBoxAssetId HDR Asset N/A The Skybox asset that is linked to environment. Depends on the Background property

Background property details


This option will make the scene's background, transparent.


This is a property of the environment that becomes active if the selected background option is: "Skybox" See SkyBox for more informations.


Property Type Localized Description
SkyBoxAssetId HDR Asset N/A The Skybox asset that is linked to environment.


This will fill the scene background with a uniform color.



The gradient will fill the scene with a three color gradient. you can select the top, horizon and bottom colors.


Example of how gradient will appear in the 3D scene:


Optional property sets overview


Describing the behavior of the light: color and intensity

PROPERTY_SET: LightBehavior

Property Name Type Localized Description
Color RGB color N/A The color the light emits
Intensity Number N/A The intensity of light emitter, higher values indicate stronger light


Camera settings

PROPERTY_SET: ExamineCameraSettings

Property Name Type Localized Description
EnablePanning Toggle N/A Toggle to define if Camera can be panned or not
MinDistance Number N/A The minimum zoom distance from the center in meters
MaxDistance Number N/A The maximum zoom out distance from the center in meters
MinVerticalAngle Number (degrees) N/A Camera control limiting angle of view. Negative values permit looking up from below
MaxVerticalAngle Number (degrees) N/A Camera control limiting angle of view. 90 degrees is directly from above
DefaultHorizontalAngle Number (degrees) N/A The default horizontal camera angle. 0 is directly at front, where X-axis points right, Y-axis up and Z-axis forwards. This is used in conjunction with MaxHorizontalAngle to limiting rotation around the product.
MaxHorizontalAngle Number (degrees) N/A Camera control limiting angle of view. 0 means camera can't be rotated horizontally. 90 allows half-sphere rotation, but does not allow going behind the product. Values equal and above 180 mean that the camera can be freely rotated around the product.
FieldOfView Number (degrees) N/A Camera 'view' field of view in degrees, wider FOV permits broader view. This acts similarity than real camera field of view parameter and will affect how perspective behaves on the scene