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SalesCodeMapping property set is used to define the logic to determining SKU (Stock-Keeping Unit) codes used for integrations and Summary. When integrating the 3D ecommerce configurator with eCommerce platforms, both must explicitly know the same set of SKUs in order for the configurator to be able to show proper prices and map the composition configuration to an order (Add To Cart)

PROPERTY_SET: SalesCodeMapping

Property Name Type Localized Description
Amount Scripting N The defaul number of units each item where this property is defined will be counted, typically 1, but occasionally something else based on logic
CaseGroups Logic Fields N For each logic group, a selection of case split logic rules in the rule field that define an outcome code into the code field. * denotes applies to all definition A case-split can be based on scripting logic, a child condition (eg. material slot or accessory slot selection), Multiple case groups perform an composed SKU code. Refer to Sales Code Mapping for more information