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In order for you to have a product live for configuration the following tasks must be completed

  1. Assets
  • you must have 3D assets available
  • 3D models of your product must be available as GLTF 2.0 Separate
    • You must zip the .bin and .JSON files into a ZIP file for uploading
    • The models must include separate 3D files for each accessory element
    • ideally you have centered origo in the proper center point for each 3D element separately
    • Measurements is based on GLTF Extra parameters in JSON or calculated automatically at import time from the 3D mesh data, but can be in accurate. You can override the variables in the Size property in the Root Property Set of Part
  • If your product utilizes texture files for materials, you must have the texture files available in JPG or PNG format
    • Texture files can be uploaded through drag-and-drop or import 3D asset function
    • Color of material does not have to have textures at all. See Introduction to Materials
    • you can tint the color of materials using colorized texture file and tint it with color property.
  • You only need to import any 3D asset once. You will be able to link the asset in any number of places in the system once it is uploaded via Manager UI link button
  1. 3D configuration
  • you must define the hierarchy for configuring the product in the product tree
    • the hierarchy is based on parent-child paradigm, where parent 'knows' all it's childs and childs belong to a parent
      • this tree helps the system to understand for example which material can be applied to which part
  • in the simplest form, you must have
    • one part
    • materials for the part
    • optionally, the accessories of the part
  • in more complex scenarios
    • you may have tens of parts
    • you will utilize a structure logic to control behaviour of assembly
    • you will tune the behaviour through scripting
  1. Data configuration
  • in case you want to provide accurate and correct information in Summary page / BOM you must configure
    • sales code mapping for count of items in the summary and count of 0 for items that are not to be listed
  • the sales code mapping is used also for fetching prices and tax information from e-commerce platforms
  1. Integration configuration
  • If the configurator is integrated to an e-commerce platform, you must configure the integration appropriately for the platform
  • You will need to configure Sales Code Mapping in order to link the 3D products into the e-commerce platform products to fetch prices and to integrate add to cart functionality

It is strongly suggested that you try to implement the sample sofa from the Making First Tutorial